Central Asia - The place of opportunities
Banking system
Transport, infrastructure, communications
Business Management Center - Bishkek
General information
Foreign policy
International trade
About Central Asia
The region includes Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan

Total population - 77 million people

Territory – 3,994,300 sq. km.

It borders with Afghanistan and Iran in the south, with China in the east and with Russia in the west and north.
Foreign trade turnover: $165.5 billion, exports - $91.03 billion, imports - $74.47 billion.

Main export buyers: China - 19.21%, Russia - 9.05%, Great Britain - 7.04%, Greece - 5.08%, Germany - 4.20%

Main import suppliers: China - 37.77%, Russia - 36.31%, Turkey - 6.93%, Germany - 2.58%, South Korea - 2.58%
Countries maintain diplomatic relations with 183 UN member states, as well as UN observers

The most important partners of the region are Russia, China, the USA, the European Union, Turkey and Iran

Russia is the most important economic and political partner of the region
The total length of roads in the region is 250,000 km

The total length of railways in the region is 29,300 km

Aviation transport is served by 27 international airports

The number of Internet users is more than 50 million people (65%)
Banks accept credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, DinersClub, AmericanExpress, ThomasCook, CitiCorp, (CUP) ChinaUnionPay and registered checks.

Any international payments.

In Kyrgyzstan there are no restrictions on:
  • Transfer of foreign currency across borders;
  • Transactions on the exchange of national and foreign currencies;
  • Purchase and sale of foreign currency by residents and non-residents duly in licensed banks and exchange offices;
  • Current payments, operating income and cross-border capital transfers
Bishkek - a window to Central Asia and the world

Low taxes: 12% VAT, 10% Income, 10% Profit, 27.5% Social. Taxes, 2% sales tax, 0% Dividends (residents)

Tax regime of the Hi-Tech Park: exemption from income tax, sales and VAT, 5% Income, 12% Social. Taxes based on the average monthly salary in the republic

No exchange controls
Strategic consulting
International payments
Software sales, Data center
Corporate and legal services
Financing and Transactional support
International trade and purchases
Virtual office abroad
HR outsourcing in IT
Cost of services
from 3 to 10% depending on the size and specifics of payments
Turnkey company registration from $9,900
25% of the NET amount, including taxes and rewards
from $100 per workplace
Cost per project on request
Cost per project on request
Cost per project on request
Cost per project on request
from 3 to 10% depending on the size and specifics of payments
Turnkey company registration from $9,900
25% of the NET amount, including taxes and rewards
from $100 per workplace
Cost per project on request
Cost per project on request
Cost per project on request
Cost per project on request
The VM Capital group of companies has been on the market since 2012.
VM in the company name comes from Value Management.
Areas and examples of our solutions:
To solve business problems of our Clients, we use the best practices of corporate governance, professionally structure transactions and control their execution, organize international trade and financial transactions, accompany negotiations on attracting investments, financing transactions, implementing investment projects, help to systematize and simplify non-core functions through modern digital solutions, provide outsourcing services for non-core functions, pay tax solutions
We help companies successfully develop their business in any market conditions, carry out and develop international operations, increase revenue and profit.
About company
General Director
300+ presentations at public and private conferences, seminars, moderator of conferences and strategy sessions. The best teacher of the course "Corporate Governance" IPPS HSE according to students' ratings 2019
Ivan Pirozhkov
Core competencies
Strategic negotiations, corporate governance, fundraising, M&A transactions, business process simplification, holding model for managing medium and large businesses, project management, project sales, digital business transformation
2011 – State University, Higher School of Economics, Higher School of Management, MBA
2000 – Novosibirsk State University (NSU), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
1996 – Lyceum №61, Bishkek
$250m+ of raised financing for projects and transactions.
Created and organized the work of 4 boards of directors of private holdings.
Professional experience
20+ years of corporate governance experience in companies in 7 industries with a total revenue of $1bn+ per year.
Founder of the cloud computing service https://desktop.rent to simplify, secure and reduce the cost of corporate life.
Implemented 50+ successful projects in the field of corporate and financial management, business development, building and reorganization of holdings, optimization of non-core functions, business digitalization.
Welcome to Central Asia!
Copyright ©2012-2024 VM Capital
720010, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, st.K.Akieva, 95
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